Our Tooling

Browse our catalogue of tooling or use the search function on the left of the screen. Simply add an R- to the start of the OEM part number you are looking for.

Rather rent the tools? Get in touch, we can offer most of out tooling at competitive rental rates    

Due to occasionally email firewalls preventing our quotations from being received, please add our email sam@rotorweld.co.nz to your address book. Also our quotes can be sent directly from XERO with a link to quote, these are safe to open

Our 2022 catalogue is now available for viewing and download at Google Drive click here.

Disclaimer - Rotorweld has no affiliation to the OEM, part numbers are for reference only. Please note, that our range of maintenance tooling may require some form of equivalency validation to be carried out before use.

Our Range of Products

We have 196 products currently available.